Phonetic Symbols List

  1. Select the cells that contain the phonetic guides whose alignment you want to change.
  2. On the Home tab, under Font, click Display phonetic characters to clarify pronunication , and then click Settings.
  3. On the Setting tab, under Alignment, click the alignment that you want to apply.

Show or hide phonetic guides

  1. Select the cells that contain the phonetic guides that you want to show or hide.
  2. On the Home tab, under Font, click Display phonetic characters to clarify pronunication , and then click Show Phonetic Fields.
    When phonetic guides are displayed, the check mark next to Show Phonetic Fields is visible. Download free microsoft office 2017 for mac. To hide phonetic guides, clear the check mark.
    Note: Excel automatically adds phonetic symbols only to new data entered in the Japanese version of Excel. If you open files that were created in earlier versions of Excel or in other programs, phonetic symbols are not generated automatically.